Sonic the Hedgehog is an ongoing American comic book series based on the Sega video game franchise, published by IDW Publishing. It is the third licensed comic book iteration based on Sega’s intellectual property, after Fleetway Publications’ Sonic the Comic and Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog series.
- Sonic The Hedgehog #75 18.12.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #74 30.10.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #73 18.09.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #72 28.08.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #71 07.08.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #70 03.07.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #69 29.05.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #68 03.01.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #67 06.12.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #66 08.11.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #65 11.10.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #64 13.09.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #63 16.08.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #62 05.07.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #61 07.06.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #60 17.05.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #59 19.04.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #58 01.03.2023
- Sonic the Hedgehog #57 08.02.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #56 04.01.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #55 07.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #54 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #53 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #52 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #51 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #50 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #49 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #48 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #47 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #46 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #45 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #44 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #43 01.12.2022
- Sonic the Hedgehog #42 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #41 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #40 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #39 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #38 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #37 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #36 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #35 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #34 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #33 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #32 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #31 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #30 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #29 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #28 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #27 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #26 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #25 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #24 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #23 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #22 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #21 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #20 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #19 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #18 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #17 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #16 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #15 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #14 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #13 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #12 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #11 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #10 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #09 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #08 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #07 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #06 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #05 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #04 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #03 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #02 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #01 01.12.2022
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Sonic lover
How many issues are there?
Himari the Arctic Fox
Currently at the time of this post 73
Himari the Arctic Fox
Restarting the count down soon sadly 😭
Himari the Arctic Fox
5 days left till issue 74 ❤️5️⃣
Trumpet Man
it got delayed to the 30th dude
Himari the Arctic Fox
6 days till Issue 74 comes out. This marks my count down 6️⃣🎉
When’s the next one coming out?
um guys I was wondering why they don’t add Sally and rotor to idw??????
Because that’s Archie
Ownership problems. Sally and all the Archie characters were pretty much solely owned by Archie comics
When is the 2024 annual supposed to come out? I’ve heard from some people the 9th, but also seen people posting pictures of it as soon as last week
Podia ter traduções em português Brasil
Brasileiros aman o sonic .
E eu queria muito ler muito as histórias
wait are they gonna sonicxdc or finish this ark then do it?
Awesome Pixel 2
Who thinks idw will reach 100 mainline comics?
6 minuts
yas they so will so anticipating it 😀 😀 😀
Why not?
Himari the Arctic Fox
I want it and I hope it.
I am literally trying not to tweak waiting for #74. WHEN IS IT COMING OUT?!
Awesome Pixel 2
End of October
Say aye if you think the metal virus was depressing.
part of the plot so nah
Himari the Arctic Fox
Aye cause I cried and died when HQ fell and many died.
The IDW Sonic comics are NOT after Sonic Frontiers. I asked a question to Evan Stanley & she said when they are past Sonic Frontiers, they’ll make it very clear.
Makes sense
yeah they take place right after sonic forces
Infinte King
imagine if eggman found out clutch he was the one behind this not only would he crash out but he would probably trash clutch just like eggman did to starline
Himari the Arctic Fox
I need the Tangle and Whisper series back. There is sooooooo much more that they could do with them.
Himari the Arctic Fox
not with the other Diamond Cutters though.
Infinte King
yeah but what about silver when are we go to see him I miss him you can’t forget that
Have you checked out Tangle & Whisper: New Roads yet?
Its really good, and there are 2 versions, and no new Diamond Cutters.
I highly recommend it!
Himari the Arctic Fox
VIPBlue said and I quote, “I love Clutch as a villain… BUT I WILL KICK HIM TO THE EXIT IF HE HURTS SURGE AND KIT IN ANY WAY!!!!!!!” Clutch is a pretty good villain in my opinion, and he might even trump Dr Starline. I feel like Clutch will get revenge on Surge and Kit in the future issues. I AM GOING TO MURDER CLUTCH EVEN THOUGH I LIKE HIM!!!!!!
6 minuts
yas they do so much 😀
Sean Willis
admin please unblock me im sorry for spamming
Himari the Arctic Fox
(Going against my previous statement on this because I actually did research.) Maybe Surge and Kit have some relationship to their counterparts.
Notes for synopses:
-Tenrecs aren’t related to hedgehogs
-Fennecs are types of foxes
-Tenrecs look simalar to hedgehogs
-Fennecs and Tenrecs aren’t good pets (just wanted to put that out there)
From this info, I say that Kit and Tails have a pretty good chance of being relatives of some kind while Surge… I have no clue. But these are just my own theories, but…
1) I didn’t know that Tenrecs and Fennecs were real types of animals until I searched it up.
2) I’m just beating around the bush for fun.
But I could be completely wrong. I want everyone to make theories because it could be fun to see what everyone could come up with. Plus we could be on to something at one point. (I know that this was long, and I am sorry for that 🙁 )
Also a note (also not groundbreaking but whatev) related:
Foxes don’t make good pets either.
Hedgehogs CAN be pets, but it’s strongly recommended against.
Do ya’ll know when the #73 is releasing? I can’t wait!! I’m really hoping that Surge and Kit do end up redeemed, kinda like anti-hero’s. those two are my favorites, I absolutely love their siblingesk relationship.
It releases on the 18th
Himari the Arctic Fox
what about time?
I have no clue
Leandro Toons
Surge retention arc ????
Himari the Arctic Fox
I know this may be far fetched but why do I have a feeling that Surge and Clutch are related. I mean the similarities are there.
Himari the Arctic Fox
Plus why would Clutch of all people know a great deal of info about them… Unless him and Starline made a deal…
Infinte King
there is no other way for him to make a deal like that to surge and kit unless he and starline knew each other there is just know other way man
Yeah but he’s a possum, she’s a tenrec
I say, having Silvaze and Shadouge fankids who are literally freaking hedgehog bat and hedgehog cat hybrids
I guess there’s a small chance
Cubot canonically has a Hatsune “Mika” body pillow and I find that hilarious
Same. XD
Himari the Arctic Fox
I finally read the whole IDW series up to the current point in the story. Have to say that they did an AMAZING job of this. Surge and Kit are my top two favorite characters by the way. Can’t wait for issue 73!
Please bring back the sagas 🙁
Silver 423
the sorting is all fixed guys.
The sagas disappeared tho
@admin where did the Saga dividers go?
@admin the sorting is wrong.
The story arc is really good but where was mighty and Ray??
Confused Reader ):
What happened to the sorting?