Sonic the Hedgehog is an ongoing American comic book series based on the Sega video game franchise, published by IDW Publishing. It is the third licensed comic book iteration based on Sega’s intellectual property, after Fleetway Publications’ Sonic the Comic and Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog series.
- Sonic The Hedgehog #75 18.12.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #74 30.10.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #73 18.09.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #72 28.08.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #71 07.08.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #70 03.07.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #69 29.05.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #68 03.01.2024
- Sonic The Hedgehog #67 06.12.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #66 08.11.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #65 11.10.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #64 13.09.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #63 16.08.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #62 05.07.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #61 07.06.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #60 17.05.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #59 19.04.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #58 01.03.2023
- Sonic the Hedgehog #57 08.02.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #56 04.01.2023
- Sonic The Hedgehog #55 07.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #54 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #53 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #52 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #51 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #50 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #49 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #48 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #47 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #46 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #45 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #44 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #43 01.12.2022
- Sonic the Hedgehog #42 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #41 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #40 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #39 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #38 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #37 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #36 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #35 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #34 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #33 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #32 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #31 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #30 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #29 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #28 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #27 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #26 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #25 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #24 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #23 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #22 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #21 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #20 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #19 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #18 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #17 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #16 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #15 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #14 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #13 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #12 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #11 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #10 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #09 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #08 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #07 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #06 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #05 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #04 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #03 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #02 01.12.2022
- Sonic The Hedgehog #01 01.12.2022
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6 minuts
6 minuts
6 minuts
21 is to many aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggg
Why does it go to the last book of the neo saga when I click read last?
The issues are all mixed up. The admin needs to know
JSYK , to whoever the admin is, I think the pages for the sagas got mixed up.
Issue 73 in 21 days!
Infinte King
Awesome Pixel
Break the sound barrier as I broke the Egg Carrier. Wassup, Issue 75 plot and covers revealed.
Get ready for November guys.
Release date: November 2024
The higher they fly…the harder they fall
It’s time for a double sized are finale! If Clutch can’t win, he’ll take everyone down with him… trapped in a flying battleship set to explode, on a collision course with Central City! Can Sonic find a way to thwart Clutch’s maniacal vengeance? Identities are revealed, plans are in motion and there’s no going back now
Cover A – Yui Karasuno
Cover B – Mauro Fonesca
Cover C – Adam Bryce Thomas
Cover 1:10 – Nathalie Foundraine
Cover 1:25 – Tracy Yardley
Cover 1:50 – Tyson Hesse
Awesome Pixel
The fact that no one replied is sad
Sry I got school. Also I already knew about that because they also have a Tumblr account. Anyway thx! 😉👍
Infinte King
same I got school to
Infinte King
typo meant to say too
Keith Parker
I love sonic as phantom rider i hope after this we see a lot more of him like that!!
Me too, man. 👍
Yeah same
Infinte King
we should be seeing more of him
L3T5 G000000
Me gusta mucho
Why was issue 71 so good!!!! The art was incredible!!!!!!!
Infinte King
Awesome Pixel I have to know, where the heck do get all this information from ?
just asking.
Awesome Pixel
Sonic Wiki Zone
That site is the best, I highly recommend it
Awesome Pixel
Bro we cannot stop eating good chat. Preview pages for Issue 72 have been shown on Twitter
GreenGold Animator
awwrrrrg poor surge and kit
I love that everyone has collectively decided that it’s still called twitter
We just like saying Twitter. By the time I have kids they’d say why’d you say “Twitter”, it’s X. Also I just prefer Twitter. 👍
Awesome Pixel
X is such a bad name
Awesome Pixel
All currently revealed IDW Sonic projects
Release dates are not final
IDW Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 72 – 28th August 2024
IDW Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 73 – 18th September 2024
IDW Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 74 – 16th October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 – 11th September 2024
Knuckles 30th Anniversary Special – 30th October 2024
IDW Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 75 – November 2024
Nice 👍
Awesome Pixel
Awesome Pixel
I will be adding things I am excited for
Sonic X Shadow Generations – 25th October 2024
Amy’s Fortune Card Deck – 27th August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: The IDW Collection Volume 5 – 18th March 2025
Sonic Prime IDW Adaptation – 4th March 2025
Sonic Movie 3 – December 20th 2024
Sonic Rumble – Winter 2024
A mobile Fall Guys battle royaled styled game featuring a lot of similarities to Fall Guys
Sonic Speed Battle – Summer 2024
A card game/board game that has 24 playable characters and three different game modes that play like the three modes in Sonic Adventure 2
Awesome Pixel
Fun Fact: The stuff that is in 2025 was originally supposed to release in late 2024
OooooooOooooo That’s nice. I hate these delays. If the delays didn’t happen we would have been reading issue 73 by now.
Awesome Pixel
I loved Sonic Prime and the fact that it will be getting an IDW Adaptation is wicked cool
Infinte King
Awesome Pixel without you, we would not know any of this information coming in the future.
You are now the one that keeps us posted. W for Awesome Pixel right guys?
Awesome Pixel
thanks man
What can we do without you awesome pixel 😍😍
Infinte King
I am just happy that’s the issue is now here so I happy.
GreenGold Animator
Guys, I think the comics are captured kindle books. The kindle version of 71 is not out yet. That’s why it’s not uploaded, I think.
GreenGold Animator
The kindle one releases on August 7th.
But here is day 7 already
GreenGold Animator
The guy def doesn’t scan each page of the comic. He UPLOADS an E book.
Awesome Pixel
You’re correct
this site is run by one guy who did not sign up for a bunch of people being annoyed that he didn’t same day upload a comic they likely aren’t paying for
i’m cool if it takes a minute for this issue to be posted
adults have jobs and responsibilities and stuff that happens suddenly
Comedic Idiot
please I need issue 71 injected into my bloodstream or I’m gonna die
Where the heck is #71? It’s been days!!
I understand stuff happens. So, trying not to pressure. Just curious on what happened to make this issue take so long?
where is issue 71? The site always posts issues on the same day of release, what happened that is so late?
Why are y’all being so disrespectful? This admin is running this site on their own, for free, and no ads. Some people here are acting ungrateful and entitled just because they aren’t getting the comic a day or two early, you know who you are.
Awesome Pixel
Says the guy who randomly disappears
Maybe because I have a life? lord, you guys must be chronically online.
Awesome Pixel
Go to forums
Where’s 71?
Guys. The IDW Sonic comics are not past Sonic Frontiers already or Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. Evan Stanley said that, “When we are past Sonic Frontiers, we will be VERY clear about it.” She said that on Tumblr because a person asked her if it’s past Sonic Frontiers. Also it’s not even past Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. She said that, “What happened when tails referenced about looking in trash cans, what happened was something SIMILAR to Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog.” Also another reason is that they don’t have a place to Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sonic timeline. So there you go guys.
Awesome Pixel
True. The comics just make references to future games.
Seems like this is gonna lead to something big again👀
Characters that have not appeared in idw but should:
1. Chaos
2. Tikal
3. Gamma
4. Sage
5. Mighty and ray (they should be in the core series)
6. Honey the cat
7. Fang, bean, and bark
8. Infinite
9. Mephelis
10. Wherehog
11. Stix
12. Sonic prime characters
i think due to its strict writing guidelines, being directly linked from canon and all that, they probably won’t be able to pull classic characters (fang+gang, ray and mighty) into the mainline plot, but we can always hope for more classic content!!! ^w^
Maybe not sonic prime characters but they are in a game so…
Kit meeting Nine would be interesting though it most likely won’t happen.
Only problem is most if those characters are dead/don’t exist anymore and SEGA has rules that say classic characters can’t show in the modern universe anymore. Sage, Chaos, Tikal and Sticks are the only ones that are able to show. Ian Flynn said he’s working in getting Sticks and possibly some SatAM characters in there. Archie characters aren’t allowed because if legal issues.
1. I didn’t say Archie characters
2. Mighty\ray and the hooligans are in sonic mania and the hooligans are in superstars so it’s possible.
3. What about infinite, mephelise, wherehog, honey, and gamma?
Response to Q3:
1) Infinite has died due to something up with Phantom Ruby (idk exactly how but I guess he ain’t appearing anytime soon)
2) Mephiles no longer exists due to ending events of 06, if Solaris no longer exists, then both parts aka Mephiles and Iblis are gone as well.
3) Werehog no longer exists as sonic lost the power of Dark Gaia. (Unless this is a character I am completely unaware about)
4) For honey and gamma, I can’t answer as idk who they are 🤷♂️
Hooligans are also in sonic the fighters.
Well technically, Tikal, Chaos and Gamma could be mentionned, but appearing would be tough as they are all dead.
Mighty, Ray, Fang, Bean, Bark and Honey are all only from the classic universe, which comprises every game before Adventure, plus Mania & Superstars.
Idk for Mephiles honestly, but I guess Werehog would be possible, though in which context?
The most likely would be Sticks and Sage.
Well technically, Tikal, Chaos and Gamma could be mentionned, but appearing would be tough as they are all dead.
Mighty, Ray, Fang, Bean, Bark and Honey are all only from the classic universe, which comprises every game before Adventure, plus Mania & Superstars.
Idk for Mephiles honestly, but I guess Werehog would be possible, though in which context?
The most likely would be Sticks and Sage.
What about infinite and the prime characters?
Also, honey, the hooligans, and mighty\ray could do it because they were not in classic in Archie and they were in the core series, so they could do it with idw.
The comic hasn’t reached Frontiers yet, timeline-wise. So Sage is out.
Mighty, Ray, Fang, Bean and Bark are confirmed to be “Classic only”, meaning they can only appear in the Classic Sonic comic after Sonic Forces confirmed Classic and Modern as two separate dimensions.
Mephiles was literally erased from existence along with the entirety of Sonic 06’s plot.
The Werehog form was a side effect of Dark Gaia being unleashed and some of its power passing into Sonic.
Stix might show up, but it won’t be the same Stix as we see in Sonic BOOM. It’ll be a “Modern” version of her with a different look and slightly different personality. We do know Modern Stix exists, as Amy mentions her at the end of Frontiers.
Sonic Prime is a bit of a mess when it comes to integrating it with the comics and games due to the show lacking any continuity with said games/comic.
Honestly, I’d like to see Mephelis
What are y’all thoughts on issue 71?
Awesome Pixel
It hasn’t even released
I meant what do y’all think would happen in issue 71.
Awesome Pixel
This isn’t personal. Are u aboy or a girl?
You know that already. I’m a girl.
I loovve sonic comics too(I’ve too many screenshot of some and other pictures of them that my phone wanna explose Lol😂😅)
Just wanna say… I LOVE IT
Jaidyn Mclemore
I love sonic comics I take screenshots on my phone.
I also do that!
GreenGold Animator
Wait, come to think of it, if there’s a murder of sonic the hedgehog ref in issue 70, then that means issue 70 occurs AFTER frontiers and the murder of sonic the hedgehog!
Awesome Pixel
There was also a Prq7qe (or Barry if you wanna be lame) cameo in the winter annual
GreenGold Animator
I thought about that too, he also appeared in 69, but he must have existed before the whole mirage express thing.
Trumpet Man
it is a reference, but that doesnt mean that its a reference to that in universe
like tails could mean anything, and frontiers likely hasnt happened yet in the comics, he means something else, but for us its a reference to tmosth