This is it! A new beginning! The Freedom Fighters have been chasing after Eggman and foiling his plans for years but they haven’t found out where he runs off to. Until now. It’s an all-out assault on the Scrap Brain factory! But Eggman has some surprises in store for our heroes!
Mobius Comics was created with the intent to bring back the characters and stories from the Archie comics but integrating elements from the games and other Sonic franchises. No matter what aspect of Sonic you’re familiar with, you’ll find things that are both familiar and new in this series. Another thing that will be the focus is consistent updates and putting out as much content as possible.
Updates Sundays and Thursdays on the comic’s website:
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I have zero idea how anyone can get invested in this comic, it’s all flash no substance. Expecting you to just slap your vague recollection of these characters onto the cardboard cutouts that are just here to have tonally inconsistent fights against whatever major antagonist they felt like putting on the cover that day. What self respecting writer puts Brutus in the SECOND issue of a comic? I don’t even know what eggman is like why are we having a character that’s supposed to be a larger-scale threat pop in already? Would it be so hard for them to actually let me get to know these characters before plunging them into another fight scene that I’m apparently supposed to be invested in just because they LOOK like characters I know?
check diviantart
Stupid Scott X
Can we have issue 5?
The Artoon Nerdologist
Issue 5 was completed
The Artoon Nerdologist
cant wait for the knuckles the echidnna mobius comic series
The issue four was completed a few days ago, are you going to add it?
Oh god my 🙂 turned into a emoji
I am just wondering when you are adding issue 3 as it was finally completed on