Finally Mimic has gotten his payback for tormenting Whisper and killing her friends! I love how Whisper, with the help of Tangle, was able to overcome Mimic and defeat him! Can’t wait to see more of Tangle and Whisper!
Gamen Watch
3 months ago
I don’t count on Mimic staying in there. Hehe, I hope they meet again soon! Love Tangle’s expressions. X3
4 months ago
Nice ending! I love how smug Tangle looks when she tells him Eggman will find Mimic if he tries to escape.
Whisper and Tangle honestly are a great duo!
This was a nice little side story—-We got to learn about Tangle and her hometown, as well as learn more about Whisper and her backstory.
9 months ago
back in prison baby
9 months ago
Who doesn’t ship them? I loved this miniseries loved the lore.
Why does everyone have to look at the secret lore, find random ships that aren’t gonna happen, (unless it’s Vector and Cheese’s mom) and just keep doing random, dumb accusations? Couldn’t you people just read the fricking comic like normal people, and just go with the story you are reading?? (I already know I’m going to get a lot of controversy for this)
Literally just let people ship what they want to. Like, I don’t really like Sonic X Amy, but you don’t see me complaining. Bro, if you have something to say about these ppl, don’t complain to us, who aren’t even doing anything. I just don’t get it, tbh 🙂
Student Caleb Hosner, just let people do what makes them happy, and let them ship what they want to ship. Honestly. Like, I’m not a big fan of Sonic X Amy, but you don’t see me complaining and telling everyone who is that they’re wrong. Let people have an opinion, then respect it. It’s not hard.
I understand that. The only reason I’m agitated at people is when they say it like they’re trying to FORCE their opinion on other people, when we’re just doing what we find funny/canon.
I didn’t even realise that until you pointed it out, lol. Metal Gear and Sonic should do a collab. Idk what they would do, but it’d def be interesting.
tangle is so me
Finally Mimic has gotten his payback for tormenting Whisper and killing her friends! I love how Whisper, with the help of Tangle, was able to overcome Mimic and defeat him! Can’t wait to see more of Tangle and Whisper!
I don’t count on Mimic staying in there. Hehe, I hope they meet again soon! Love Tangle’s expressions. X3
Nice ending! I love how smug Tangle looks when she tells him Eggman will find Mimic if he tries to escape.
Whisper and Tangle honestly are a great duo!
This was a nice little side story—-We got to learn about Tangle and her hometown, as well as learn more about Whisper and her backstory.
back in prison baby
Who doesn’t ship them? I loved this miniseries loved the lore.
Me neither
me too
I dont ship anyone, cuz I hate the SEGA ships. they DRIVE. ME. F*CKING. INSANE!
Also, if I see one “Whispangle” Word in this reply (beside this one), IM GONNA F*CKING LOSE IT!!!
Some of them are good though…
Why does everyone have to look at the secret lore, find random ships that aren’t gonna happen, (unless it’s Vector and Cheese’s mom) and just keep doing random, dumb accusations? Couldn’t you people just read the fricking comic like normal people, and just go with the story you are reading?? (I already know I’m going to get a lot of controversy for this)
Literally just let people ship what they want to. Like, I don’t really like Sonic X Amy, but you don’t see me complaining. Bro, if you have something to say about these ppl, don’t complain to us, who aren’t even doing anything. I just don’t get it, tbh 🙂
Student Caleb Hosner, just let people do what makes them happy, and let them ship what they want to ship. Honestly. Like, I’m not a big fan of Sonic X Amy, but you don’t see me complaining and telling everyone who is that they’re wrong. Let people have an opinion, then respect it. It’s not hard.
I one hundred percent agree. Unless it’s a ship that Sega has confirmed such as Sonamy, just enjoy the story and don’t get excited. I’m sorry, guys😅😅
I understand that. The only reason I’m agitated at people is when they say it like they’re trying to FORCE their opinion on other people, when we’re just doing what we find funny/canon.
I agree with ya student caleb.
No your right
whispangle IS canon, though. like, actually, provably canon, intended by the writers…
They arent “normal” people.
Этот комикс просто отдельный вид искусства просто
Я согласен. история и арт потрясающие.
(Мне потребовалась целая вечность, чтобы перевести это.)
I love how many Metal Gear Solid references the Diamond Cutters make
I didn’t even notice till you pointed it out lol
I didn’t even realise that until you pointed it out, lol. Metal Gear and Sonic should do a collab. Idk what they would do, but it’d def be interesting.
the mimic is so cused
ah yes cused not cursed cused
I ship tangle and whisper
Me too. I love their dynamic.
The cover on this one has extreme album cover energy :’)
your kinda right tho
So true. So, so true