sonic fans bitchin bout a 90s comic about talking animal
1 month ago
I don’t know why but I feel like everything involving Knuckles and his ancestry smells like those cheep rubbery toys you’d get from the prize counter of an arcade. Like Archimedes especially.
1 year ago
no wonder the admin said that archie can feel like a cringey fanfiction. fire ants lifting an entire city? the fuck??
The idea I got is the ants are just breaking up the rock underneath the city so the emerald can lift the newly made island (literally a “ground-breaking ceremony”), otherwise it would basically be pulling at the entire planet and the comet would have hit the city. You’re for sure right, either way it’s pretty lmao, but I’m super down for these comics, loving the campy brainrot writing.
sonic fans bitchin bout a 90s comic about talking animal
I don’t know why but I feel like everything involving Knuckles and his ancestry smells like those cheep rubbery toys you’d get from the prize counter of an arcade. Like Archimedes especially.
no wonder the admin said that archie can feel like a cringey fanfiction. fire ants lifting an entire city? the fuck??
The idea I got is the ants are just breaking up the rock underneath the city so the emerald can lift the newly made island (literally a “ground-breaking ceremony”), otherwise it would basically be pulling at the entire planet and the comet would have hit the city. You’re for sure right, either way it’s pretty lmao, but I’m super down for these comics, loving the campy brainrot writing.