eggman N.: that darned eggman had it all wrong, you shouldnt pee on the moon, you should crap on it, so when gru comes and shrinks the moon, there is a turd floating in space!
1 month ago
reminder, greet every game with enthusieasim
sonic frontiers
sonic: i have depression!
energon the fused hedgehog
2 months ago
as of this comment, this and the bad guys comic series have the lowest star rating at 4.3
energon the fused hedgehog
3 months ago
i think there should be a sonic superstars prolouge
i figured out there is a sonic superstars prolouge but its not made by IDW
4 months ago
I hope they make one for sonic x shadow generations for shadows story and movie 3
Tony Pricer
1 year ago
Wow I didn’t know that but we didn’t see knuckles in the due to there a YouTube video about him we see how he got in Amy and tails situation
2 years ago
Before anyone tries to say there’s an error — no, there isn’t. The Sonic Frontiers prologue story was actually published by IDW as a free digital comic.
eggman N.: that darned eggman had it all wrong, you shouldnt pee on the moon, you should crap on it, so when gru comes and shrinks the moon, there is a turd floating in space!
reminder, greet every game with enthusieasim
sonic frontiers
sonic: i have depression!
as of this comment, this and the bad guys comic series have the lowest star rating at 4.3
i think there should be a sonic superstars prolouge
i figured out there is a sonic superstars prolouge but its not made by IDW
I hope they make one for sonic x shadow generations for shadows story and movie 3
Wow I didn’t know that but we didn’t see knuckles in the due to there a YouTube video about him we see how he got in Amy and tails situation
Before anyone tries to say there’s an error — no, there isn’t. The Sonic Frontiers prologue story was actually published by IDW as a free digital comic.
can you please add a fan comic for the infinite the jackal comunity?