Sonic flirting with Amy and next panel hitting our girl with a “thanks, sal.”
It truly is so shadover
Gamen Watch
1 month ago
Crystal Desert is lovely! Hey, it’s Flame Core! So, there was a future overgrown with angry plants? That’s the opposite of the Metal Virus. I mean, Silver ultimately lives in an alternate future, Sonic. Multiple of them. Oh, frick, the Zeti are here!
11 months ago
What an amazing final landmark issue!
Now I’m up to Worlds Unite I’m going to read Mega Man up to the crossover and the same for Sonic Boom!
1 year ago
Metal said “It’s no use”, Silver said “you’re too slow”, now we just need Sonic to say “beep boop” or something
1 year ago
Graaah, finally Zavok and the rest of the Deadly Six make their debut, I never thought they were going to appear in Archie!
Sonic flirting with Amy and next panel hitting our girl with a “thanks, sal.”
It truly is so shadover
Crystal Desert is lovely! Hey, it’s Flame Core! So, there was a future overgrown with angry plants? That’s the opposite of the Metal Virus. I mean, Silver ultimately lives in an alternate future, Sonic. Multiple of them. Oh, frick, the Zeti are here!
What an amazing final landmark issue!
Now I’m up to Worlds Unite I’m going to read Mega Man up to the crossover and the same for Sonic Boom!
Metal said “It’s no use”, Silver said “you’re too slow”, now we just need Sonic to say “beep boop” or something
Graaah, finally Zavok and the rest of the Deadly Six make their debut, I never thought they were going to appear in Archie!