I think its funny they got Bean first issue post SGW. I’m sure there are those who were hoping he’d be left behind in pre-reboot lmao
Gamen Watch
1 month ago
Yo, Marine barking orders like a captain, so awesome! And hey, she and Cream can finally be teammates! Lol that panel of upside-down Marine is cute. Love a good pirate story! Love how the creators have pirate names! Captain Metal looks sick, too.
7 months ago
Once again Blaze getting knocked out by a little bonk on the head somehow lol
11 months ago
For anyone reading this wondering where somenof the sonic universe and archie comic issues went, they were all put into Sonic & Mega Man – Worlds Collide. Since this partnof the storybis spread out over the archie sonic series, the sonic universe series, and the mega man series, they clumped it all into one. I just figured this out today. So after you read Archie Sonic the Hedgehog #247 (assuming you’re following the reading guide) go to the sonic & Mega Man issues (https://grabber.zone/comics/sonic-mega-man/) and stop at Worlds Collide #12 (as the next bit starts after Sonic Universe issue #75).
I think its funny they got Bean first issue post SGW. I’m sure there are those who were hoping he’d be left behind in pre-reboot lmao
Yo, Marine barking orders like a captain, so awesome! And hey, she and Cream can finally be teammates! Lol that panel of upside-down Marine is cute. Love a good pirate story! Love how the creators have pirate names! Captain Metal looks sick, too.
Once again Blaze getting knocked out by a little bonk on the head somehow lol
For anyone reading this wondering where somenof the sonic universe and archie comic issues went, they were all put into Sonic & Mega Man – Worlds Collide. Since this partnof the storybis spread out over the archie sonic series, the sonic universe series, and the mega man series, they clumped it all into one. I just figured this out today. So after you read Archie Sonic the Hedgehog #247 (assuming you’re following the reading guide) go to the sonic & Mega Man issues (https://grabber.zone/comics/sonic-mega-man/) and stop at Worlds Collide #12 (as the next bit starts after Sonic Universe issue #75).
what happened to sonic universe 51-54?