we dealing with archie eggman here or some?, because current modern eggman cant do all that and be iredimable.
super sliver 360
7 months ago
not to be rude or disrespectful but I didn’t get it. do I have to read another comic by the same person to understand it or what. the story idea is cool though and the art is cool but yeah I don’t get it. can some explain please.
Nooney Pokemon
9 months ago
Bruh is that it, I want more
9 months ago
so.. is the dad sonic?
1 year ago
I love how mature this story is and seeing Metal Sonic in action!
Izeya Colon
1 year ago
hope faust
1 year ago
I want more of this series and I think it’s going to be like Ghost to the Future the art will improve and the story will get better I also hope you have a great holiday My favorite character from Sonic is Sliver he is cool and has a dark past not like Shadow but close and always wants to help people like me so that’s just my option what’s yours.
1 year ago
Most incomprehensible Fan Comic, good art though
1 year ago
What the heck this is amazing omg
1 year ago
Thoughts; This story is basically a how to for people making a bad sonic oc: forming a tragic backstory around characters no-one knows, sudden gore or scars to appear mature without understanding that expectations and depth need to be set up for any real maturity to be had, and a shallow reproduction of the child characters in dragonball Z of having imense power that’s triggered by rage and trauma despite being too young to understand or harness that power until its too late.
That being said its really good art and an enjoyable read, if for mostly ironic reasons. It also falls into the trap of taking the morally complex Eggman and Metal Sonic and turning both into irredeemable killers to be fought. You don’t need to do that, actual irredeemable villains already exist in sonic and some even directly ape off of Eggman and Metal Sonics looks.
Really it was kind of obvious what kind of story this was gonna be from the title alone, but I was not expecting it to be THIS typical of every sonic fans second brand of oc after the recolor. I say as long as you can recognize it as a guide on how NOT to write a fan comic, this is a justifiable guilty pleasure. If I were to give the biggest bit of advice, telling the story from the perspective of the Traveler character would have likely made the story much more unique, since he’s built up as this mysterious character but whatever backstory he has is probably the more well thought out if you plan to follow up on why he saved two random kids.
blood= no no
Peak art, weird story, 8.2/10
we dealing with archie eggman here or some?, because current modern eggman cant do all that and be iredimable.
not to be rude or disrespectful but I didn’t get it. do I have to read another comic by the same person to understand it or what. the story idea is cool though and the art is cool but yeah I don’t get it. can some explain please.
Bruh is that it, I want more
so.. is the dad sonic?
I love how mature this story is and seeing Metal Sonic in action!
I want more of this series and I think it’s going to be like Ghost to the Future the art will improve and the story will get better I also hope you have a great holiday My favorite character from Sonic is Sliver he is cool and has a dark past not like Shadow but close and always wants to help people like me so that’s just my option what’s yours.
Most incomprehensible Fan Comic, good art though
What the heck this is amazing omg
Thoughts; This story is basically a how to for people making a bad sonic oc: forming a tragic backstory around characters no-one knows, sudden gore or scars to appear mature without understanding that expectations and depth need to be set up for any real maturity to be had, and a shallow reproduction of the child characters in dragonball Z of having imense power that’s triggered by rage and trauma despite being too young to understand or harness that power until its too late.
That being said its really good art and an enjoyable read, if for mostly ironic reasons. It also falls into the trap of taking the morally complex Eggman and Metal Sonic and turning both into irredeemable killers to be fought. You don’t need to do that, actual irredeemable villains already exist in sonic and some even directly ape off of Eggman and Metal Sonics looks.
Really it was kind of obvious what kind of story this was gonna be from the title alone, but I was not expecting it to be THIS typical of every sonic fans second brand of oc after the recolor. I say as long as you can recognize it as a guide on how NOT to write a fan comic, this is a justifiable guilty pleasure. If I were to give the biggest bit of advice, telling the story from the perspective of the Traveler character would have likely made the story much more unique, since he’s built up as this mysterious character but whatever backstory he has is probably the more well thought out if you plan to follow up on why he saved two random kids.