That is WAY too many Chaos Emeralds! Also, gray ones are from Argentum?! From Alrest?! Wow… Tommy… you were a brave turtle. :,( Lol those Egg Pawns playing computer cards. Never seen Espio use his tongue like that. Goodbye, Golden Hive Colony… 🙁
6 months ago
Sonic should’ve turned dark sonic there
10 months ago
T.J. Granger
1 year ago
Kinda sucks that the Neo Walkers didn’t transport Tails to them after he brought the Great Harmony to fruition. They could’ve allowed him to stay in his Turbo Tails form for eternity and be the true protector of Mobius. Heck, Turbo Tails should have been upgraded into Captain Super Fox-Man by this point!
T.J. Granger
1 year ago
And so ends the plot point that has been ignored for too long: The Chosen One has finally fulfilled his prophecy… *Sigh…* Sucks that this is the FINAL appearance of Turbo Tails… This is the last time that Tails ever transforms in the Archie Comics before the reboot. He’s definitely going to miss being empowered with Chaos Energy. He’s gonna miss being able to fly without using his twin tails. He’ll never sprout that red cape around his neck ever again. It’s not going to be the same without Tails turning into Turbo Tails. Thanks to him, every single Chaos Emerald in the universe is safe in the Zone Of Silence, which is now the Special Zone. … It’s time to bid farewell to the Two-Tailed Caped Kitsune. He will never use the power of the Chaos Emeralds ever again. The Ancient Walkers had made him Mobius’ Chosen One, and it has now come to an end. You have avenged the loss of your Masters greatly, and now you will not walk alongside your vessel for the rest of time. So long, Turbo Tails… So long.
Adam Zayas
1 year ago
Espio sticking his tongue out was creepy
1 year ago
the nanites are like the metal virus but only for some things
Espio is so cool unironically
That is WAY too many Chaos Emeralds! Also, gray ones are from Argentum?! From Alrest?! Wow… Tommy… you were a brave turtle. :,( Lol those Egg Pawns playing computer cards. Never seen Espio use his tongue like that. Goodbye, Golden Hive Colony… 🙁
Sonic should’ve turned dark sonic there
Kinda sucks that the Neo Walkers didn’t transport Tails to them after he brought the Great Harmony to fruition. They could’ve allowed him to stay in his Turbo Tails form for eternity and be the true protector of Mobius. Heck, Turbo Tails should have been upgraded into Captain Super Fox-Man by this point!
And so ends the plot point that has been ignored for too long: The Chosen One has finally fulfilled his prophecy… *Sigh…* Sucks that this is the FINAL appearance of Turbo Tails… This is the last time that Tails ever transforms in the Archie Comics before the reboot. He’s definitely going to miss being empowered with Chaos Energy. He’s gonna miss being able to fly without using his twin tails. He’ll never sprout that red cape around his neck ever again. It’s not going to be the same without Tails turning into Turbo Tails. Thanks to him, every single Chaos Emerald in the universe is safe in the Zone Of Silence, which is now the Special Zone. … It’s time to bid farewell to the Two-Tailed Caped Kitsune. He will never use the power of the Chaos Emeralds ever again. The Ancient Walkers had made him Mobius’ Chosen One, and it has now come to an end. You have avenged the loss of your Masters greatly, and now you will not walk alongside your vessel for the rest of time. So long, Turbo Tails… So long.
Espio sticking his tongue out was creepy
the nanites are like the metal virus but only for some things