i do not like this cunt geoffrey ngl, both relationship and in general is annoyance of a behaviour
7 months ago
What even IS Sally’s relationship with Sonic at this point? They’re trying to sell this love triangle drama, but thrice she sucked face with Geoffrey while Sonic didn’t get a single peck, and their thoughts of marriage seem to be an oddity left in the past too. Before I started reading this I knew of some of the characters’ romantic escapades, and I thought it strange to have Sonic dating other girls when he supposedly had Sally. Now I see she definitely deserves it.
i do not like this cunt geoffrey ngl, both relationship and in general is annoyance of a behaviour
What even IS Sally’s relationship with Sonic at this point? They’re trying to sell this love triangle drama, but thrice she sucked face with Geoffrey while Sonic didn’t get a single peck, and their thoughts of marriage seem to be an oddity left in the past too. Before I started reading this I knew of some of the characters’ romantic escapades, and I thought it strange to have Sonic dating other girls when he supposedly had Sally. Now I see she definitely deserves it.
Also, nice dig at Waterworld there.
Can I just say that this is how Ken Penders went from “sane” to “insane?” This guy caused Archie Sonic to fall.