So this metal sonic is supposed to be shard in the future?
Yup, from what I know he eventually gets rebuild into Shard.
Because this guy is metal while last month was Mecha
When did metal first appear?
he appeared in one of the classic era comics. look for ones with amys first appearances
Wayyy back in issue #25, and then again in the Knuckles Chaotix special. At the time, though, he was called Mecha Sonic for some reason. They retconned his name in this issue.
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So this metal sonic is supposed to be shard in the future?
Yup, from what I know he eventually gets rebuild into Shard.
Because this guy is metal while last month was Mecha
When did metal first appear?
he appeared in one of the classic era comics. look for ones with amys first appearances
Wayyy back in issue #25, and then again in the Knuckles Chaotix special. At the time, though, he was called Mecha Sonic for some reason. They retconned his name in this issue.