Lol Antoine with the sword masters! And Sticks’ pigtails match that girl’s! Sonic’s and NiGHTS’ counterparts working together! No, even Amaterasu’s brush couldn’t stop Sigma! SUPER SONIC AND SUPER MEGA MAN!
Hey, it’s the Ifrit! Lol Sonic’s time travel puns. Ugh, Genesis Portals again, the planet was already breaking apart!
15 days ago
im in love with every panel that has NiGHTS in it
3 months ago
Too bad they didn’t include Jet Set Radio, which I think was a bit more famous than some of the other franchises.
1 year ago
What an amazing landmark issues, and the last in too, since Archie Sonic was cancelled before it hit 300… 🙁 Super Sonic and Megaman time in the finale!
Lol Antoine with the sword masters! And Sticks’ pigtails match that girl’s! Sonic’s and NiGHTS’ counterparts working together! No, even Amaterasu’s brush couldn’t stop Sigma! SUPER SONIC AND SUPER MEGA MAN!
Hey, it’s the Ifrit! Lol Sonic’s time travel puns. Ugh, Genesis Portals again, the planet was already breaking apart!
im in love with every panel that has NiGHTS in it
Too bad they didn’t include Jet Set Radio, which I think was a bit more famous than some of the other franchises.
What an amazing landmark issues, and the last in too, since Archie Sonic was cancelled before it hit 300… 🙁 Super Sonic and Megaman time in the finale!
I’m sad they didn’t include the Legends of Zelda… but, what can ya do? 🤷🏻♀️
well they only had sega and capcom charecters because copyright dummy