Love the cozy winter cabin aesthetic they got going for Rouge’s plot, real atmospheric. So Clutch is a literal pack rat? That’s clever, can’t go wrong with adding extra antagonists either
27 days ago
who was that really who snagged rouge
1 month ago
Shadow has plot relevance? OH YEAH, time to get hyped
1 month ago
I like Rouge’s outfit
2 months ago
3 months ago
i have to wonder if the clutch’s chao being a shadow themed chao was a last minute change considering the cover for this issue and next issue have a regular dark chao and no shadow chao anywhere. it makes sense considering its a race so why would a non-specialized chao enter its just interesting to think about
3 months ago
Rouge is so bad bruh
Jojo mojo
4 months ago
I think Dr starline is in the jacket
after looking at Nathalies drawing the shadow over shadow looks like a beak
Gamen Watch
5 months ago
Ah, the Chao races! The memories of breeding my Chao to get every Emblem! I wonder who these mystery enemies are? There’s conspiracy afoot in this place.
5 months ago
I love how Clutch’s Chao looks like Shadow lol. Also, WHO IS THE PERSON IN THE COAT?! Why is Shadow here?! So many questions. Clutch is an automatic suspicious guy, if you ask me.
please god not Tails Doll again I can’t
Love the cozy winter cabin aesthetic they got going for Rouge’s plot, real atmospheric. So Clutch is a literal pack rat? That’s clever, can’t go wrong with adding extra antagonists either
who was that really who snagged rouge
Shadow has plot relevance? OH YEAH, time to get hyped
I like Rouge’s outfit
i have to wonder if the clutch’s chao being a shadow themed chao was a last minute change considering the cover for this issue and next issue have a regular dark chao and no shadow chao anywhere. it makes sense considering its a race so why would a non-specialized chao enter its just interesting to think about
Rouge is so bad bruh
I think Dr starline is in the jacket
after looking at Nathalies drawing the shadow over shadow looks like a beak
Ah, the Chao races! The memories of breeding my Chao to get every Emblem! I wonder who these mystery enemies are? There’s conspiracy afoot in this place.
I love how Clutch’s Chao looks like Shadow lol. Also, WHO IS THE PERSON IN THE COAT?! Why is Shadow here?! So many questions. Clutch is an automatic suspicious guy, if you ask me.
its a really good comic