A four-part digital comic series published by Sega that is based on the at-the-time upcoming Sonic Forces, its purpose being to promote the aforementioned game. Each issue features a short, self-contained story that serves as a prequel to the game’s storyline.
- Sonic Forces #4 - Rise of Infinite 04.12.2022
- Sonic Forces #3 - Stress Test 04.12.2022
- Sonic Forces #2 - Looming Shadow 04.12.2022
- Sonic Forces #1 - Moment of Truth 04.12.2022
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Could we perhaps have the Lost World and Frontiers prequel comics added in as well?
Ok, well, the Frontiers comic is already on the site, but the Lost World one still isn’t here.
It was published by Archie, so it should go in the Archie section.
wasnt this made by IDW?
yeah b/c Forces was the prologue and start of the IDW comics
IDW started a year after these comics. They just happen to share a writer and artist.
actualy, these came out later the same year the IDW sonic comics came out (on 2022 january)