why did that art style go from sketch book and realistic to cartoon
1 year ago
This is one of the first ever fan comics I read, and honestly, I’m glad this was the benchmark.
Because god this didn’t age well. In either version.
Positives out of the way first, I do like the designs for the adults, for what this comic was going for, they feel in character and are a good indicator that the story is NOT intended for younger fans. The background art is also really good at communicating locations and objects in a readable manner, not something to be underplayed for a fan comic with few colored pages. And the comedy is well done, it really has a heart warming feel whenever they AREN’T trying to be edgy.
But it’s very clear this story was not thought out fully. Tails is given a love interest that’s just there with no name or backstory and effectively exists just to show that all the characters grew up and got married in neat straight relationships (my first comic idea had a similar problem, none of us are perfect) and Eggman is played up FAR more villainous than the ending of sonic adventure 2 would agree with. If you’re going to use SA3 as a title, it should be expected that you follow up on things in SA2, which showed Eggman as the most genuinely repentant you could get from him at the end.
why did that art style go from sketch book and realistic to cartoon
This is one of the first ever fan comics I read, and honestly, I’m glad this was the benchmark.
Because god this didn’t age well. In either version.
Positives out of the way first, I do like the designs for the adults, for what this comic was going for, they feel in character and are a good indicator that the story is NOT intended for younger fans. The background art is also really good at communicating locations and objects in a readable manner, not something to be underplayed for a fan comic with few colored pages. And the comedy is well done, it really has a heart warming feel whenever they AREN’T trying to be edgy.
But it’s very clear this story was not thought out fully. Tails is given a love interest that’s just there with no name or backstory and effectively exists just to show that all the characters grew up and got married in neat straight relationships (my first comic idea had a similar problem, none of us are perfect) and Eggman is played up FAR more villainous than the ending of sonic adventure 2 would agree with. If you’re going to use SA3 as a title, it should be expected that you follow up on things in SA2, which showed Eggman as the most genuinely repentant you could get from him at the end.