It is the WARP TOPAZ because it can telaport to many places so that means it could telaport to the past too but I think the warp topaz got lost and forgoten until Dr.Sterline found it and then he died and got telaported
to tailes lab and then sonic put it back for good.
Starline didn’t die with the warp topaz. He died with a drained tricore. The Warp Topaz was taken back since the near end of the metal virus saga, when Eggman pushed Starline into a portal created by the topaz.
Rylan Hall
10 months ago
I think it would be cool if they eventually intertwined the classic and modern comic runs with this discovery of the warped topaz showing up in the classic timeline after Sonic’s 100th adventure and maybe make an arc out of it. I also hope they at least acknowledge the classic Chaotix, as I thought they would in this issue :/
Elora Pangburn
10 months ago
Is it done is there more??!!??!?!??
10 months ago
For people still confused at how the classic series could be sonics past and not an alternate timeline or dimension:
1. Tails called it an alternate dimension when Knuckles had recently described him as having “lost it”, and tails would later clarify that error in tailstube as time being a dimension (which by all technically it is) and thus someone from the past is from another dimension
2. Classic sonic doesn’t create an alternate timeline when he goes to the future because as we saw in Sonic CD and 06 that’s not how time travel works in sonics dimension, the timeline is rewritten, not split.
3. Classic Sonic never really see’s anything or anyone with enough context that modern sonics first reaction to them wouldn’t still make sense, if anything it explains perfectly why modern sonic is so chill about shadow and chaos when he meets them.
4. Just because Eggman used the phantom ruby in mania doesn’t mean people are going to recognize it years later, they’ve been through alot since then and it’s clear from him becoming Tinker afterwards that the phantom ruby was messing with Eggmans head, anyways. And classics non verbal so he wasn’t gonna know it’s name.
Comparing Sonic CD and Sonic 06 doesn’t make that much sense since in sonic CD sonic is able to change the future, but in sonic 06 silver gives that purple thing to a young Elise, which doesn’t change the future but makes it what it already was (even in that same game sonic changes the future)
The funny thing is that there actually a game that has in fact 8 emeralds: Sonic the Fighters!
Xavion Scott
10 months ago
10 months ago
Wait the warp topas in the classic timeline? That wold mean that the classic timeline isn’t a different dimension which doesn’t make sense since in sonic forces tails says that it is and the IDW confirms that the forces is canon! Unless… no… I couldn’t! COULD IT BE THAT THEY RETCONED IT? BUT THAT NEVER EVER HAPPENED WITH SONIC EVER! ITS NOT LIKE THIS FRANCHISE IS JUST A BUNCH OF PEOPLE DOING WHAT THEY WANT WITH IT WITHOUT CARING ABOUT WHAT CAME BEFORE! It’s like sega is just trying to make it seem like this is all just one universe so they can say that a product is canon so sonic fans will pay for it… nah that wold never happen. Thank you for reading this to the end 🙂
It has to be the warp topaz because this is IDW and obviously we know it can teleport into random place if supercharged and it is very fragile my guess is sonic and the others found it and found out it was to dangerous to fall into the wrong hands so they secured it into a cave hoping no one will remember of its existence but starline found it and we now had the zombots saga, starline saga, bad guys and impostor syndrome. also the whole series would be completely different because eggman will still be helping the people with belle the tinkerer surge and kit wont exist nobbody would have found out about what rough and tumble were doing they would have never seen whisper, tangle or jewel while the babylon rogues manage to steal all of the artifacts that they found in their past adventure mimic wouldnt be on the run or unless mimic conveniently found whisper they would fight each other it would be easier for whisper but she would have still lost in the endgame without tangle because in the endgame whispers weapon got knocked out of her hands and mimic was going to use her own weapon against her but tangle used here tail and clutched up by squeezing him also clutch will be continuing to abuse the chao’s and nobody will find out about it
11 months ago
nah its just a warp topaz
11 months ago
Awesome Pixel
11 months ago
Since we got the Warp Topaz can we get The End
11 months ago
I guess the eighth emerald from Fighters doesn’t exist, but hey, spinball said there was 16.
average sonic enjoyer
11 months ago
How many times will the Heavy King Betray Eggman
11 months ago
Wait, aren’t they want to give us an answer on hooligans in 3rd Idw issue?
11 months ago
I thont it was the 8 emrled from sonic the fiters
11 months ago
I wish the issues were longer.
Erix Lang
11 months ago
i like how whatever the hardboiled heavy with the motobug said JIMMY! NOOOOOO!!!!!
T-pup was in tails’ lab on the shelf.
crab exhausted
It is the WARP TOPAZ because it can telaport to many places so that means it could telaport to the past too but I think the warp topaz got lost and forgoten until Dr.Sterline found it and then he died and got telaported
to tailes lab and then sonic put it back for good.
Starline didn’t die with the warp topaz. He died with a drained tricore. The Warp Topaz was taken back since the near end of the metal virus saga, when Eggman pushed Starline into a portal created by the topaz.
I think it would be cool if they eventually intertwined the classic and modern comic runs with this discovery of the warped topaz showing up in the classic timeline after Sonic’s 100th adventure and maybe make an arc out of it. I also hope they at least acknowledge the classic Chaotix, as I thought they would in this issue :/
Is it done is there more??!!??!?!??
For people still confused at how the classic series could be sonics past and not an alternate timeline or dimension:
1. Tails called it an alternate dimension when Knuckles had recently described him as having “lost it”, and tails would later clarify that error in tailstube as time being a dimension (which by all technically it is) and thus someone from the past is from another dimension
2. Classic sonic doesn’t create an alternate timeline when he goes to the future because as we saw in Sonic CD and 06 that’s not how time travel works in sonics dimension, the timeline is rewritten, not split.
3. Classic Sonic never really see’s anything or anyone with enough context that modern sonics first reaction to them wouldn’t still make sense, if anything it explains perfectly why modern sonic is so chill about shadow and chaos when he meets them.
4. Just because Eggman used the phantom ruby in mania doesn’t mean people are going to recognize it years later, they’ve been through alot since then and it’s clear from him becoming Tinker afterwards that the phantom ruby was messing with Eggmans head, anyways. And classics non verbal so he wasn’t gonna know it’s name.
Comparing Sonic CD and Sonic 06 doesn’t make that much sense since in sonic CD sonic is able to change the future, but in sonic 06 silver gives that purple thing to a young Elise, which doesn’t change the future but makes it what it already was (even in that same game sonic changes the future)
i honestly thought it was the phantom ruby
The funny thing is that there actually a game that has in fact 8 emeralds: Sonic the Fighters!
Wait the warp topas in the classic timeline? That wold mean that the classic timeline isn’t a different dimension which doesn’t make sense since in sonic forces tails says that it is and the IDW confirms that the forces is canon! Unless… no… I couldn’t! COULD IT BE THAT THEY RETCONED IT? BUT THAT NEVER EVER HAPPENED WITH SONIC EVER! ITS NOT LIKE THIS FRANCHISE IS JUST A BUNCH OF PEOPLE DOING WHAT THEY WANT WITH IT WITHOUT CARING ABOUT WHAT CAME BEFORE! It’s like sega is just trying to make it seem like this is all just one universe so they can say that a product is canon so sonic fans will pay for it… nah that wold never happen. Thank you for reading this to the end 🙂
This isn’t new information. Classic has returned to just being the past instead of a different dimension since TailsTube.
If this ends with a classic version of Starline finding the Warp Topaz, I might just scream
So is Stupid Starline around then???!!!
no hes a modern character not classic
He might have a classic variant tho
It has to be the warp topaz because this is IDW and obviously we know it can teleport into random place if supercharged and it is very fragile my guess is sonic and the others found it and found out it was to dangerous to fall into the wrong hands so they secured it into a cave hoping no one will remember of its existence but starline found it and we now had the zombots saga, starline saga, bad guys and impostor syndrome. also the whole series would be completely different because eggman will still be helping the people with belle the tinkerer surge and kit wont exist nobbody would have found out about what rough and tumble were doing they would have never seen whisper, tangle or jewel while the babylon rogues manage to steal all of the artifacts that they found in their past adventure mimic wouldnt be on the run or unless mimic conveniently found whisper they would fight each other it would be easier for whisper but she would have still lost in the endgame without tangle because in the endgame whispers weapon got knocked out of her hands and mimic was going to use her own weapon against her but tangle used here tail and clutched up by squeezing him also clutch will be continuing to abuse the chao’s and nobody will find out about it
nah its just a warp topaz
Since we got the Warp Topaz can we get The End
I guess the eighth emerald from Fighters doesn’t exist, but hey, spinball said there was 16.
How many times will the Heavy King Betray Eggman
Wait, aren’t they want to give us an answer on hooligans in 3rd Idw issue?
I thont it was the 8 emrled from sonic the fiters
I wish the issues were longer.
Bro just did a mad laugh-
And it was glorious!
And it was glorious!
I had a rough feeling it’s something like that