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Would you want a show based on the Archie comics?

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Not a one-for-one adaptation, but just a show based on the comics. 

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yellow minimalist round shaped cafe logo
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I would say maybe, but if only it's a continuation of the pre-genesis wave. I wouldn't mind reboot though.

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@pikonic If you want a continuation of the original continuity, you should read Archie Sonic Online. It's really good.

yellow minimalist round shaped cafe logo
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@archiesonicfan I have, and I 100% agree with you!

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I would say post Archie for more of a smaller cast size.

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@ssx I believe something that takes a lot of inspiration from pre-reboot Archie can work with a smaller cast. There is plenty of stuff you can cut out, change, or rearrange.

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@archiesonicfan Yeah, I don't really care about which part of Archie.

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@ssx hey! would u. like azury to be a wolf robot

ultra sonic
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I think it'd be really interesting, but I doubt Sega would ever do that. They seem to hate Archie, lol.


If it were to happen, then I wouldn't mind them adapting a couple arcs here and there. I would love a show based on the pre-reboot, but one off of the reboot wouldn't be too bad either. As long as Ian Flynn has something to do with it, I'd be happy lol
