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What do you guys think the future IDW Sonic crossover will be? What do you want it to be?

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Sonic has already crossed over with Mega Man twice, and that was really good. I don't really care much about IDW but even I'm excited for this.

GSzt l9XoAEouq7
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yellow minimalist round shaped cafe logo
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I would like to have the Blue Bomber again because that means new Mega Man comic that could tie up all the remaining stories from Archie's Mega man.

And it would be new Mega Man content which I am starving for.

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yellow minimalist round shaped cafe logo
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or it's transformers or TMNT

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i would love to see that again. but i still wonder what a official mario and sonic crossover will be like

ultra sonic
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I heard some rumors that it might be with Dragon Ball for some reason, lol. As cool as that would be, I doubt it.


I'd love to see another crossover with Mega Man tho
