Archie Sonic in Oth...
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Archie Sonic in Other Countries

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A fact that is currently unknown to a big part of the fandom, is about the relevance of the Archie Sonic Comics in the rest of the world. Because although it is true that a big part of his career was isolated to the world outside the USA, in his last years he did officially reach to other countries and in any case, for a long time the community has made great efforts to bring this comics to their zones.  

That's why I thought it would be a good idea introduce the official and unofficial ways in which Archie Sonic has made himself known to the rest of the world. 





Between the years of 2012 to 2014, the French editorial "Delcourt Jeunesse" published a series of books that compile the issues of Archie Sonic from the beginning of the Genesis Arc (STH 226#) to the middle of the Endangered Species Arc (244#).

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Similarly, between 2012-2014 the europe editorial "Panini Comics" published several Archie Sonic volumes in German, starting with the first 8 issues of Sonic Universe and followed again by issues of Sonic The Hedgehog 226# to 241#, with a special edition that reprints the firts 8 issues of the main series. 


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The "Alto Astral" editorial in 2013 briefly, published some volumes of Sonic Universe. 

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United Kingdom (UK) 

First, the official Jetix magazine in the UK and Ireland reprinted some issues of Archie 'Sonic X' series during the 2000's 

Later, "Pedrigree Books" for the 'Sonic The Hedgehog Super Interactive Annual 2014' and "Egmont Publishing" for issue 73# of their 'All about...' series, reprinted some random stories from the main series and the Lost World Prequel.

All About Sonic 01
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Finally, the japanese editorial "BLISTER Comics" exported several issues of the second crossover with Megaman (Worlds Unite) during 2015.  

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Since 2013, the translation of the series into spanish has been carried by users of "The Tails Archive" community. Right now, they are close to the goal of 480 translated comics.

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Since 2010, the webside "Sonic Tales" has been actively involved in the translation of Archie Sonic, currently being close to 460 comics and also having plans to translate Archie Sonic Online too. 

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Since 'Diamond Dust Team' started translating Archie Sonic in 2010-2011, more translators like CHereNS or Squad Sound have been added, and thanks to them more than 410 translated comics have accumulated on this webside. 





Korean user "SnackerSC" started translating Archie Sonic issues in 2010 and continued until 2017, amassing around 120 issues. At the moment, unable to continue due to unexpected technical difficulties. 

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Several users of the BiliBili community since 2019 have been translating on their own several issues of Archie Sonic and his different Spin-offs. Accumulating a current amount of 60 tomes, which he expects to increase soon. 

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Is run by the webside "Sonic Legacy Italia" since 2019, which currently has the first 19 translated issues.

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Is made by the independent and non-profit translation company "Xenobi' Productions" founded in 2017.

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Persian webside "EggmanLand Ultimate" in 2019, shared some Archie Sonic translated issues made by his admin. 

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A few weeks ago, youtube user "Frenzy459" shared a full fandub of the 'Sonic Mega Drive' specials in Thai:



In 2014, the user "right32623" shared the translation of a couple of Sonic Universe issues on her youtube channel:


But didn't continue for unkown reasons. 

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It is not clear who the authors were or how far they went, but it is possible to find pages of various issues of Archie Sonic translated into Turkish. 

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2 Replies
Posts: 29
Joined: 3 years ago

Thank you for gathering all the info, that's really neat!

I have something to add. The Sonic X comic by Archie was officially published in Ukraine in Jetix Magazine by Hitz4Kids in 2009. Interestingly, the magazine was presented fully in Russian language.

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Posts: 3

I'm glad you liked it 🙂 and thanks for the information, it's amazing and great what can still be dicovered about this series. Actually, I have a few other updates to the subject: 

In addition to the editorial "Alto Astral", there were two others editorials that published the Archie comics in Portuguese. The first was the Brazilian Editorial "Escala" which, for the moment, is known to have published the first 5 issues. 

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Later in 2009, the editorial "On Line" published the first 5 issues of Archie 'Sonic X' series.

SonicX OnLine 01
SonicX OnLine 02
SonicX OnLine 03
SonicX OnLine 04
SonicX OnLine 05

Also recently it was discovered that the old European comics editorial "Semic Press" between 1994-1995, published the first 9 issues of Archie Sonic in Filand, Norway and Sweden in the respective languages of each country.

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Finally, regarding the Korean Translations no long ago I found out that the translator closed his Twitter account due to time and personal complications, luckily I managed to recue all the translations he shared on the platform. If you want, I could shared the Drive link here and/or try to contact the author through his old blog so that he gives you permission to publish the rest of them on the site, since it would be a shame if they were lost. 

