I just noticed and stared into ovi kintobor’s name and noticed it was ivo robotnik backwards🫥
Wyatt Thompson
10 months ago
anyone else se sticks when sonic was running
Adam Zayas
10 months ago
The last page looks like spider-verse
Luiz Miguel
10 months ago
aw man! this is so cool! I really wanted this comic to continue because it was going down a really cool path, it’s a shame it was cancelled, I hope someday they change their mind and come back with the story
I just noticed and stared into ovi kintobor’s name and noticed it was ivo robotnik backwards🫥
anyone else se sticks when sonic was running
The last page looks like spider-verse
aw man! this is so cool! I really wanted this comic to continue because it was going down a really cool path, it’s a shame it was cancelled, I hope someday they change their mind and come back with the story