It took me until this issue to realize the tenrec’s name is gold so their duo is Silver and Gold
10 days ago
(I commited so here’s the rest)
The tiny yellow bit yells in binary “GO!!” to silver to spur him on in the fight
All three bits celebrate by shouting “WOO#!” (not really sure about the last line. I’ve seen it translated as 52 and 4 but those don’t make much sense after woo either).
Gamen Watch
1 month ago
Didn’t expect an Attack on Titan reference! WOW, we actually made Silver giant! Can we just keep this thing around?! And Silver’s off on an adventure with his new team!
9 months ago
this is why silver is the goat
1 year ago
Wow, that gigantic Silver fight with the 2nd Devourer was amazing, what a solid arc, I hope we get to see where trio lands.
It took me until this issue to realize the tenrec’s name is gold so their duo is Silver and Gold
(I commited so here’s the rest)
The tiny yellow bit yells in binary “GO!!” to silver to spur him on in the fight
All three bits celebrate by shouting “WOO#!” (not really sure about the last line. I’ve seen it translated as 52 and 4 but those don’t make much sense after woo either).
Didn’t expect an Attack on Titan reference! WOW, we actually made Silver giant! Can we just keep this thing around?! And Silver’s off on an adventure with his new team!
this is why silver is the goat
Wow, that gigantic Silver fight with the 2nd Devourer was amazing, what a solid arc, I hope we get to see where trio lands.