XD The pirates scared of Bean! Rust in Davy Jones’ Locker, Captain Metal! So awesome to see Burning Blaze again! And I love the color of Blaze’s teleporting fire! Awwwww, we really miss you, too, Marine!
7 months ago
They just don’t stop doing her dirty in these Archie comics, wow
T.J. Granger
9 months ago
This was the ONLY appearance of Burning Blaze in the Archie Comics… They did her DIRTY here!!
XD The pirates scared of Bean! Rust in Davy Jones’ Locker, Captain Metal! So awesome to see Burning Blaze again! And I love the color of Blaze’s teleporting fire! Awwwww, we really miss you, too, Marine!
They just don’t stop doing her dirty in these Archie comics, wow
This was the ONLY appearance of Burning Blaze in the Archie Comics… They did her DIRTY here!!
And so Captain Metal was never seen again.