Sonic Universe: Reboot (#55-95) Average 4.6 / 5 out of 65
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Sonic Universe
Issues 55-95 take place in the new Post-Super Genesis Wave continuity.
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a knuckles story arc? with tracy yardley doing the pencils?? and the chaotix are here (plus knuckles’ chaotix reference)??? this is great : D
i love their banter in this chapter, plus the idea of knuckles being good with kids is such a cute thought
The little blue bit says “FREE!” in binary when he is let out to help silver
The red bit says “KO!!!” after the professor gets blasted unconscious
So, can that machine make people bigger, too? Sounds like a good power buff. HA HA HA HA! GOLD! Of course! Wait, she’s a tenrec! Is she Surge’s descendant?!
At least the kids in this city look happy. But these council dudes look like the Eternal from the MCU. Oh, that’s a time gate from Sonic Generations!
OKAY, Alex and Stella are super cute AND super strong! Haha, way to bargain with a Demon King! STICKS IS A STREET FIGHTER NOW! XD AND IT’S NiGHTS! EVEN FREAKING ŌKAMI IS HERE! And Issun flirting with Sally! 😀 Sigma, you better not hurt Cream!
“I call it a RED STAR RING!” I call them Fire Souls, because they first appeared in Secret Rings. Awe, Nicole regrets not having feelings before! Oh, no, the professor’s up to something? And Sally’s snoo-ping as usual.
Black Death? Heh, he’s just a bit more extreme than Black Doom. I wonder what other worlds they destroyed? Maybe some of the ones from pre-Genesis. Shadow, please tell me you’re faking or something!
Guys, Archie Sonic online is gonna continue reboot
For my own sanity i count Reboot canon to IDW in my headcanon cuz i can’t stand the thought of thesegood stories and characters dissapearing forever
Where are Archie Sonic Mainline Issues 248-251 or Archie Sonic Universe Issues 51-54?
Many good and bad mini story arcks! My favourite is the 30 years later arc.
Just wanted to say the post-reboot original characters like Relic and Eclipse deserve much more love and notability.
And then it just ends, huh XD