HAH, OF COURSE THERE’S A COMPUTER ROOM! “Vector, if you ask that one more time,” HAH! And look at Charmy slipping through those bars, which he totally should’ve done during a similar trap in IDW. What was that painting of Amy Rose…’s ancestor? At first, I thought Alan would empower them with musicbending… but no, the guitar is just a bludgeon. XD
1 year ago
Did they really need to include 3 “Find the computer room” jokes? And I noticed that not once was the King referred to his name “Rob”. Penders won’t even allow them to mention his characters.
HAH, OF COURSE THERE’S A COMPUTER ROOM! “Vector, if you ask that one more time,” HAH! And look at Charmy slipping through those bars, which he totally should’ve done during a similar trap in IDW. What was that painting of Amy Rose…’s ancestor? At first, I thought Alan would empower them with musicbending… but no, the guitar is just a bludgeon. XD
Did they really need to include 3 “Find the computer room” jokes? And I noticed that not once was the King referred to his name “Rob”. Penders won’t even allow them to mention his characters.