Oh I remember now T-pup is from Tails adventure his own game either it was that one or tails sky patrol I can’t remember. And cocoa island too was featured in this game or the other. Lots of game references here. BUT I LOVE IT MY BOY TAILS IS AWESOME (back to modern era 😛)
Gamen Watch
2 months ago
Yeah, the Babylons gotta show those birds who owns the skies! Now let’s hope our couple can relax! Lol if Antoine wants to collect swords, he should visit Hyrule or the Grand Line.
Oh I remember now T-pup is from Tails adventure his own game either it was that one or tails sky patrol I can’t remember. And cocoa island too was featured in this game or the other. Lots of game references here. BUT I LOVE IT MY BOY TAILS IS AWESOME (back to modern era 😛)
Yeah, the Babylons gotta show those birds who owns the skies! Now let’s hope our couple can relax! Lol if Antoine wants to collect swords, he should visit Hyrule or the Grand Line.