YO, Super Ray is the strongest, just for intimidation! So, Finitevus was trying to save the island, too? Also, his warping combat style is just like Dr. Starline.
Jia Jun Weng
11 months ago
also i wished ray could turn super
How cool what that be!
Jia Jun Weng
11 months ago
yeah knuckles could just use his warp ring and teleport dr finitevus’s head under the point of angel island why it is getting pulled down.
while knuckles holds dr finitevus in the place he should ask julie-su & mighty to break of the chains from angel island.
vector and ray could help as well speeding the process while asking them what is going on but this is for another timeline
YO, Super Ray is the strongest, just for intimidation! So, Finitevus was trying to save the island, too? Also, his warping combat style is just like Dr. Starline.
also i wished ray could turn super
How cool what that be!
yeah knuckles could just use his warp ring and teleport dr finitevus’s head under the point of angel island why it is getting pulled down.
while knuckles holds dr finitevus in the place he should ask julie-su & mighty to break of the chains from angel island.
vector and ray could help as well speeding the process while asking them what is going on but this is for another timeline
Knuckles forgot he had a warp ring