That Scourge call-back was so cool, love the fact Sonic was thinking of it on his “bad day” and even almost gave up hope.
Also Cubot and Orbot jumpscare? I could be wrong but isn’t this their first appearance in this series?
Gamen Watch
1 month ago
Yeah, Sonic needs a little inspiration himself, before he winds up green. Hehe, he and Amy having a smashing competition! Sweet, Cream is officially a Freedom Fighter! And Big!
Can you feel the sunshine?
T.J. Granger
1 year ago
Ah, the dawn of Team Freedom and Team Fighters. Shame that the SUPER GENESIS WAVE took it ALL AWAY. Y U DO DIS, Mega Man?!
1 year ago
I notice that they’ve made Rotor’a design more game friendly (shoes and gloves).
That Scourge call-back was so cool, love the fact Sonic was thinking of it on his “bad day” and even almost gave up hope.
Also Cubot and Orbot jumpscare? I could be wrong but isn’t this their first appearance in this series?
Yeah, Sonic needs a little inspiration himself, before he winds up green. Hehe, he and Amy having a smashing competition! Sweet, Cream is officially a Freedom Fighter! And Big!
Can you feel the sunshine?
Ah, the dawn of Team Freedom and Team Fighters. Shame that the SUPER GENESIS WAVE took it ALL AWAY. Y U DO DIS, Mega Man?!
I notice that they’ve made Rotor’a design more game friendly (shoes and gloves).