Eggman really shot down Sally without hesitation. wow.
20 days ago
Loved how excited Sonic was to fight silver sonic, such a cool character choice. They still can’t make a mobian kiss look good though, huh
Spark the Groundhog
1 month ago
One of the things I love most about the Preboot comics is out of any comics they best show how truly brilliant yet mercilessly cruel Eggman is.
Gamen Watch
1 month ago
Ah, the kiss of true love! Yo, Silver Sonic’s back! When’re we gonna see Azure Silver? Uh, Eggman… what’re you doing to the planet? WHAT’VE YOU DONE TO SALLY?!
1 year ago
Damn, what a hella amazing landmark issue. Was the blood splatters really that necessary? Just kidding, can’t wait to reread Sonic Genesis when I get to it.
One thing I don’t like is the art style clash on the cover, I love Spaz but all the characters stick out from each other.
Ouch. Sally really got shot down huh.
Eggman really shot down Sally without hesitation. wow.
Loved how excited Sonic was to fight silver sonic, such a cool character choice. They still can’t make a mobian kiss look good though, huh
One of the things I love most about the Preboot comics is out of any comics they best show how truly brilliant yet mercilessly cruel Eggman is.
Ah, the kiss of true love! Yo, Silver Sonic’s back! When’re we gonna see Azure Silver? Uh, Eggman… what’re you doing to the planet? WHAT’VE YOU DONE TO SALLY?!
Damn, what a hella amazing landmark issue. Was the blood splatters really that necessary? Just kidding, can’t wait to reread Sonic Genesis when I get to it.
One thing I don’t like is the art style clash on the cover, I love Spaz but all the characters stick out from each other.