Still absolutely kills me how they kept bringing back Scourge. His concept is so stupid but hes kinda funny
1 month ago
Having Fiona be evil still feels stupid, idk. The main comics have never given a satisfactory explanation for that other than “I’ve had a messy past during which I was with the wrong people”. It’s such a shame. Also, WHAT does she (and Rouge, at one point) see in comically evil Scourge?
Gamen Watch
2 months ago
Wait, Lightning Lynx is one of Scourge’s squad? He can be Nicole’s opponent! Wow, Atom Ant is genuinely small. HAH, way to bust that weapon, Sonic! He can even go Super with just the Master Emerald! Scourge be like, “Emerald fire? I can get behind that color.”
Still absolutely kills me how they kept bringing back Scourge. His concept is so stupid but hes kinda funny
Having Fiona be evil still feels stupid, idk. The main comics have never given a satisfactory explanation for that other than “I’ve had a messy past during which I was with the wrong people”. It’s such a shame. Also, WHAT does she (and Rouge, at one point) see in comically evil Scourge?
Wait, Lightning Lynx is one of Scourge’s squad? He can be Nicole’s opponent! Wow, Atom Ant is genuinely small. HAH, way to bust that weapon, Sonic! He can even go Super with just the Master Emerald! Scourge be like, “Emerald fire? I can get behind that color.”