The mastermind behind the Metal Virus isn’t done yet. Sonic writer extraordinaire Ian Flynn brings you the latest elaborate scheme from the Blue Blur’s newest nemesis! Dr. Starline is back to his evil antics! But to enact his latest scheme, he’ll have to get into an abandoned Eggman base, past an army of badniks! And to do that, he’ll need the help of some of Sonic’s greatest enemies! Mimic, Rough, Tumble, and Zavok are back and badder than ever! Starline’s promised them incredible power, so Sonic and friends had better watch out. That is, if the not-so-good doctor can get these Bad Guys to stop fighting each other and work together.
- Sonic the Hedgehog - Bad Guys #4 01.12.2022
- Sonic the Hedgehog - Bad Guys #3 01.12.2022
- Sonic the Hedgehog - Bad Guys #2 01.12.2022
- Sonic the Hedgehog - Bad Guys #1 01.12.2022
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Say what you will about his character but Starline’s design is just so good. The warm purples, yellows, and oranges look so good together and the spiral iconography really ties him together from his shoes to coat to gloves.
The swoop of streaked hair reads as suave, while also covering just a touch of his face for some mystique and insecurity.
His little glasses also give his character a sense of intelligence and focus, while also parallelling his idol’s own small, circular lenses a bit.
You can glean so much of his character just by appearance, it’s just really cool to see. This franchise has survived as long as it has because of banger designs like this.
im just noticing that the litteral only character on the any of the covers of the first 3 mini series that isnt comic exlusive is zavok
who here votes starline for president?
who else likes a good sonic villain team up (NOT including sonic forces)
zavok: i am strong enough to take you on puny skeleton.
sans undertale: nah, i think you’re gonna have a baaaad time
how gullable are rough and tumble?
Mimic: “I don’t do teams”
Also Mimic: *Works in a team throughout this whole series*
i know right dis is da gooderest ting eva
Cool books 😀