…please tell me they didn’t photoshop the background for knuckles…
Nerevaldo The minotaur skeleton
4 months ago
Prince Charmy Bee? P-Prince Charmy Bee? What is this comic?
5 months ago
Is Gala-Na constantly dyeing her fur? First she was purple, then she became red and now she’s back to purple. It’s so weird.
T.J. Granger
10 months ago
… Please? Someone? Can anyone provide a response to my previous two comments? 🐇🕳️🥵
T.J. Granger
1 year ago
Just to add to this, if anyone else wants to read this Issue for the second story, y’all might wanna focus on the design of Prince Charmy. If you have a deviantART, I’d like any one of you guys to draw him as his true royal self, USING the design from Mr. Penders, with the red boots, white long-cuffed gloves and red cape. Do NOT include his wings. Because, by logical standards, Prince Charmy is able to fly without using his wings as the enchanted properties of his cape magically make them disappear. Heck, I even want the crew over at Archie Sonic Online to create a 3-part Prince Charmy Bee Mini-Series that showcases the best royal life ever given to the crown prince of the Golden Hive Colony and his girlfriend Saffron, all leading up to the moment where they encountered Chaos Knuckles. I want to make this happen!
T.J. Granger
1 year ago
Prince Charmy Bee is the best version of Charmy, because that’s who he REALLY is. He looks better with his cape instead of his wings, anyway.
…please tell me they didn’t photoshop the background for knuckles…
Prince Charmy Bee? P-Prince Charmy Bee? What is this comic?
Is Gala-Na constantly dyeing her fur? First she was purple, then she became red and now she’s back to purple. It’s so weird.
… Please? Someone? Can anyone provide a response to my previous two comments? 🐇🕳️🥵
Just to add to this, if anyone else wants to read this Issue for the second story, y’all might wanna focus on the design of Prince Charmy. If you have a deviantART, I’d like any one of you guys to draw him as his true royal self, USING the design from Mr. Penders, with the red boots, white long-cuffed gloves and red cape. Do NOT include his wings. Because, by logical standards, Prince Charmy is able to fly without using his wings as the enchanted properties of his cape magically make them disappear. Heck, I even want the crew over at Archie Sonic Online to create a 3-part Prince Charmy Bee Mini-Series that showcases the best royal life ever given to the crown prince of the Golden Hive Colony and his girlfriend Saffron, all leading up to the moment where they encountered Chaos Knuckles. I want to make this happen!
Prince Charmy Bee is the best version of Charmy, because that’s who he REALLY is. He looks better with his cape instead of his wings, anyway.