In 2013, Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics) went through a legal battle with a former writer that, following a crossover with Mega Man, resulted in a reboot of the comic, with the continuity before that point being erased and altered. While some were happy with the post-reboot continuity, others were dismayed at seeing years of history undone and wished for a more conclusive ending.
In response to the reboot, Chris “Glitcher” Reavey created Sonic Retold to continue the comic where Archie left off and recapture the days before Executive Meddling became obvious, such as Sonic not being able to cry or characters made by other writers being put offscreen.
The story begins at issue 243 of the original comic with a retelling of the Cut Short Endangered Species arc. New pages can be found at Glitcher’s DeviantArt page.
Project’s website:
Here we go! What the Archieverse SHOULD HAVE BEEN instead of REBOOTING THE FUCKING THING!! 👿💀🔥