Waaa this is such a cool comic. hyped to see where this goes
1 month ago
Hold up… Dark chaos energy and an evil ferocious form of Sonic with no morals? Is this gonna be like Dark Sonic!?
1 month ago
6 minuts
1 month ago
finaly another one
2 months ago
This is a truly incredible comic, I love it! An excellent first-contact story, in a way.
3 months ago
you know sonic can chaos control with a fake emerald (sonic adventure 2) why can he not do it with a real one now?
4 months ago
I started reading this comic while it was only on itś 4th issue, i loved it then, and i still love it now!
Sonic Rus C
5 months ago
binary code (little bugs in it): Here’s something interesing for you.
(y did we get a gen remater b4 ueashed
16 hex (accurate): Why are still here? Just to suffer? watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I
5 months ago
couldn’t sonic just chaos control out of this place he did it with silver and shadow why not do it N0W!?
super sliver 360
5 months ago
this was worth the wait first it’s nice we see a little of vi’s back story and seeing baby vi i was adorable. Also, it was smart of sonic to use the chaos emerald he had to remove in negative energy from the chaos emerald, and the guns in that old base look very cool and its cool we know that metal sonic will return can’t wait. But this was a bit too quick if you ask me but really good can’t wait for the next issue.
Waaa this is such a cool comic. hyped to see where this goes
Hold up… Dark chaos energy and an evil ferocious form of Sonic with no morals? Is this gonna be like Dark Sonic!?
finaly another one
This is a truly incredible comic, I love it! An excellent first-contact story, in a way.
you know sonic can chaos control with a fake emerald (sonic adventure 2) why can he not do it with a real one now?
I started reading this comic while it was only on itś 4th issue, i loved it then, and i still love it now!
binary code (little bugs in it): Here’s something interesing for you.
(y did we get a gen remater b4 ueashed
16 hex (accurate): Why are still here? Just to suffer? watch?v=HEXWRTEbj1I
couldn’t sonic just chaos control out of this place he did it with silver and shadow why not do it N0W!?
this was worth the wait first it’s nice we see a little of vi’s back story and seeing baby vi i was adorable. Also, it was smart of sonic to use the chaos emerald he had to remove in negative energy from the chaos emerald, and the guns in that old base look very cool and its cool we know that metal sonic will return can’t wait. But this was a bit too quick if you ask me but really good can’t wait for the next issue.