Sonic the Hedgehog: Child of the Green Hill by Liris the Dolphin is a re-imagined version of the origin story for such characters as Sonic, Dr. Kintobor, Tails and Knuckles. Based on Sonic the Comic by Fleetway Publications.
Author’s website:
- II. Reunion. Chapter 4 - The Seed of Discord 13.05.2023
- II. Reunion. Chapter 3 - Super Sonic 13.05.2023
- II. Reunion. Chapter 2 - The Chase through the Two Worlds 13.05.2023
- II. Reunion. Chapter 1 - Tornado of Hope 13.05.2023
- I. Origin. Epilogue 13.05.2023
- I. Origin. Chapter 4 - Celebration of the Planet 13.05.2023
- I. Origin. Chapter 3 - The Delicate Balance 13.05.2023
- I. Origin. Chapter 2 - Faster Than the Wind 13.05.2023
- I. Origin. Chapter 1 - The Launch Day 13.05.2023
- I. Origin. Chapter 0 - Prologue 13.05.2023
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