The Robot Masters were taken out in one hit. BORING! But I do like the little character development Rock had.
Giovanni Yslas
1 year ago
Really don’t like how short the Robot Masters fights are in the Mega Man 1 arc. They not only last about page, but the Robot Masters are also taken out in one hit! Lame! But that said, I do love the scenes between Mega Man and Dr. Light and Roll. And the nods to the Megas are very much appreciated.
The Robot Masters were taken out in one hit. BORING! But I do like the little character development Rock had.
Really don’t like how short the Robot Masters fights are in the Mega Man 1 arc. They not only last about page, but the Robot Masters are also taken out in one hit! Lame! But that said, I do love the scenes between Mega Man and Dr. Light and Roll. And the nods to the Megas are very much appreciated.