This is Surge’s first appearance in this ‘verse, and Mighty is already talking about her rack. I still remember diving into Mobius Comics with expectations for something better than this…
3 months ago
I’m sorry, but isn’t charging ACTUAL MONEY for a sonic fan product against sega’s rules? And the constant introductions to new characters feels so forced imo. Like, don’t get me wrong, i love seeing new characters get introduced in the media, but with this comic it feels like they’re showing the entire cast before we see the main cast. The story overall isn’t terrible, but i do feel like it could use some work.
I guess it’s the same thing as selling pricey fan made merch online and on conventions or having a Patreon for projects like Sea3on. Seems like nobody cares as long as it’s not a fan game with a paywall.
4 months ago
can they go like, 6 pages without introducing another character? What is this comic groups idea of narrative that their only means of drawing readers in is cramming as many characters into an issue as they can think of. This isn’t intriguing its distracting.
They can’t write a compelling story so they have to use character bait instead. It’s why franchises like star wars keep making money. People see character they recognize and clap like seals even if the quality is absolute garbage. The art quality for this comic is so much worse than the other one with the FF, it looks really unfinished in some areas, perspective is all over the place, proportions are constantly changing. Feels like they are just trying to rush out as many comics as possible. Saying that the pacing for both comics also feels rushed.
Star wars actually builds on existing stories, the cameos aren’t just there to be cameos they expand on the adventures we already know this just slaps new versions of every character in a room without context and doesn’t actually try to tell us anything about them.
I didn’t know sonic comics had profanity lol
This comic is awesome
This is Surge’s first appearance in this ‘verse, and Mighty is already talking about her rack. I still remember diving into Mobius Comics with expectations for something better than this…
I’m sorry, but isn’t charging ACTUAL MONEY for a sonic fan product against sega’s rules? And the constant introductions to new characters feels so forced imo. Like, don’t get me wrong, i love seeing new characters get introduced in the media, but with this comic it feels like they’re showing the entire cast before we see the main cast. The story overall isn’t terrible, but i do feel like it could use some work.
I guess it’s the same thing as selling pricey fan made merch online and on conventions or having a Patreon for projects like Sea3on. Seems like nobody cares as long as it’s not a fan game with a paywall.
can they go like, 6 pages without introducing another character? What is this comic groups idea of narrative that their only means of drawing readers in is cramming as many characters into an issue as they can think of. This isn’t intriguing its distracting.
They can’t write a compelling story so they have to use character bait instead. It’s why franchises like star wars keep making money. People see character they recognize and clap like seals even if the quality is absolute garbage. The art quality for this comic is so much worse than the other one with the FF, it looks really unfinished in some areas, perspective is all over the place, proportions are constantly changing. Feels like they are just trying to rush out as many comics as possible. Saying that the pacing for both comics also feels rushed.
Star wars actually builds on existing stories, the cameos aren’t just there to be cameos they expand on the adventures we already know this just slaps new versions of every character in a room without context and doesn’t actually try to tell us anything about them.